1. Providing technical assistance in the implementation of a municipal planning program; 2. Reviewing plans submitted to the City for approval and distributing the plans to the appropriate city agencies for review, comment, and approval; 3. Assisting the Director of the Department of Public Safety and the Construction Official in processing applications for development; 4. Preparation of memoranda which describes pending projects, whether the plans require further review by the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment (“the Boards”) and/or whether the Construction Official can act on said plan(s); 5. Attending regular and special meetings of the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board and conference meetings with municipal boards or private entities and/or developers; 6. Preparation of an annual planner’s report to the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board 7. Review of all referrals to the Boards by the City including zoning and land use ordinances and regulations; 8. Review of all applications for site plan or variance approval; 9. Assisting the Secretary to the Boards in the processing and establishment of procedure for the Boards to hear applications; 10. Attendance and participation at meetings of the Master Plan committee for the preparation and adoption of a new Master Plan; 11.Legal services for analyzing land use issues; 12.Any other matters as directed by the City; and 13.The vendor shall provide monthly billing statements that include a brief statement showing the original amount of the Contract, any increases established by amendment to the Contract, the amount previously billed under the Contract, and the total amount of unbilled funds remaining available under the Contract, and the total amount of unbilled funds remaining available under the Contract after deduction of the most recent amount billed. A copy of each billing statement shall be made available to the State Fiscal Oversight Officer upon request.