Respondent must have significant experience representing New Jersey governmental entities as Redevelopment Counsel. The successful Respondent will be expected to provide to the Borough, its Mayor and Council, Clerk, Administrator, Planning Board and Staff legal advice and services, including but not limited to: A. Represent the Borough in all legal matters related to redevelopment and shall advise and assist the Governing Body, Planning Board and other Departments as required. B. Attend meetings and make necessary recommendations to the Governing Body, draft ordinances and resolutions as directed by the Governing Body, and give opinions and rulings on questions of redevelopment law which may arise. C. Prepare or approve all legal instruments relating to redevelopment within the Borough. D. Represent the Borough in any redevelopment related litigation, and conduct trials, appeals and other proceedings affecting the interest of the Borough as he/she may in his/her discretion determine to be necessary or desirable, subject to the approval of the Governing Body.