The Ocean County Department of Human Services, Workforce Development Board is seeking proposals from interested organizations to provide short-term basic skills for a period of three to six months to eligible residents of Ocean County to gain literacy and skills needed to be successful in their desired industry-valued training and ultimately obtain and retain sustainable employment in in-demand occupations through career pathways. The Ocean County Career Center offers job seekers services by providing career pathway employment plans through a combination of Federal, State, and local funding for workforce development. For many job seekers this may simply mean access to job listings, while others may require skill and aptitude evaluation, job search assistance, adult education, job training, post-secondary education or registered apprenticeship. Some may require temporary financial assistance, needs based payments, or supportive services. This solicitation seeks providers of high school equivalency preparation and testing, tutoring to increase educational functioning level, as well as work readiness supports and a more intensive remedial life basics course to work in coordination with the County Social Services Agency and the Ocean County Career Center Administrative Entity.