The Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of Elizabeth is requesting proposals from qualified individuals and firms to provide legal services as Counsel for the Zoning Board. The Proposer(s) will be required to attend all meetings of the Zoning Board in order to advise the membership -4- as a whole and to prepare and defend all litigation affecting the Zoning Board or any member of it, which may result from decisions made on applications or in the normal performance of the members’ official duties pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq., the Municipal Land Use Law. The Proposer(s) shall also provide legal advice, research and assistance on any other special matter to the Zoning Board that may be required to be addressed. The Proposer(s) shall be required to provide additional services to the Zoning Board which shall include, but not be limited to, preparation of legal documents, opinions, special meetings attendance, telephone conferences and correspondence.