1. The swim club building is approximately 179’ long by 24’ wide, 4,296 square feet. The structure is an elevated single story building, concrete masonry unit exterior and interior walls. Additional wall systems are 2”x 4” wood studs, gypsum boards and vinyl cove base. Roof system is wood truss units, 5/8” plywood sheathing and fiberglass shingles. Floor system is concrete. All footings and foundation walls, are concrete. 2. The interior of the structure supports a fully outfitted snack bar (fryers, grill, freezers, refrigerator, shelving, work tables, counter, sink, etc.) inclusive of water, wastewater, electrical and gas service. 3. Structure is inclusive of a men’s and woman’s locker area with showers, urinals, toilets, petitions, etc. water, wastewater and electrical service provided. 4. Additional individual rooms include: a. Mechanical b. Control booth c. Office d. Managers office e. Work room f. First aid office g. Covered porch 5. The concrete slabs on-grade, sidewalks, stairs, ADA ramps, handrails, planters and all other site amenities, complete.