1. The “Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation” must conform with the current N.J. Department of Environmental Protection Technical Requirements For Site Remediation, Subchapter 3, N.J.A.C. 7:26E-3.1 through and including 7:26-3.13. These specifications should be downloaded from the “Technical Guidance Documents” at http://www.state.nj.us/dep/greenacres, then into Site Index, then into Preliminary Assessments to obtain the Green Acres Program specifications. 2. The Preliminary Assessment Report (PAR) shall include photographs of all Areas of Concern (AOC) discovered during the Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation and show the location of each on a map. 3. Identification and mapped location of any underground storage tanks (UST’s) and/or aboveground storage tanks (AST’s) based on visual evidence. If visual or other evidence indicates the known or suspected presence of underground or aboveground storage tanks, the contractor will conduct four (4) soil borings and obtain four (4) soil samples for laboratory analysis that conform to the current N.J. Department of Environmental Protection Technical Requirements for Site Remediation and include the findings in the Preliminary Assessment Report (PAR). Contractor shall collect soil samples as per required collection methods according to Technical Requirements, N.J.A.C. 7:26E-3.4 Site Investigation of Soil, and shall have soil samples tested for contaminants as listed on proposal page, Item #2, and shall conduct laboratory analysis using appropriate analytical methods. Contractor is to conduct all aspects of investigation according to N.J.A.C. 7:26E. If initial soil samples are found to have concentrations of any contaminants exceeding any soil remediation standard, then a recommendation to conduct a Remedial Investigation of Soil pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26E-4.2, shall be submitted by Contractor for possible Phase II Investigation, for which consultant hiring will be considered under a Contract Amendment. 4. Identification and mapped location of any dumped material, whether solid waste (i.e. sofa, mattress, etc.) or hazardous materials (i.e. visual identification and listing of potential asbestoscontaining material and obvious asbestos such as boiler insulation and pipe wrap, unidentified drums, motor oil, pesticides, herbicides and the like). 5. Identification and mapped location of water supply system(s). Include source, i.e. municipal/public community water supply and/or well water supply. If wells are identified, obtain the following information: type of well (i.e. domestic, industrial, public non-community, irrigation, observation, monitoring), well location, installation date, permit number, well driller and license number, well depth, static level, pump level, screen type, pump type, well casing size and any other pertinent data. Contractor will conduct well record(s) search through the NJDEP, Bureau of Water Allocation, and county/local health departments. Available information shall be detailed within the PAR.