Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Manage an equity portfolio focused on one of the targeted asset classes. 2. Read, understand and act in full accordance with the SIC’s investment policies and guidelines; 3. Assist in the creation and be responsible, in a fiduciary capacity, for the management of a separate account invested in equity securities; 4. Conduct in-depth analyses, with expert due care, of securities prior to inclusion in the portfolio; 5. Use prudent, fiduciary best efforts to outperform the benchmark for the international equity separate account; 6. Advise the SIC and/or SIO staff on equity-related issues, including but not limited to, matters which represent significant changes in economic forecasts, investment outlook and industry emphasis; 7. Develop and implement governance, portfolio and other best-in-class risk management practices to ensure that risks are managed and measured as appropriate for the SIC; 8. Advise the SIC and/or SIO staff when specific segments of the equity markets are particularly attractive and as necessary, prudently manage an opportunistic portfolio in those segments; 9. Reconcile to the SIC’s custodial bank, at least monthly, and provide the reconciliation to SIO staff (a letter or other certification confirming this action shall be provided by the Offeror/Manager); 10. Meet SIC and SIO reporting and communication requirements, including delivering monthly investment management statements which show any and all investments, receipts, disbursements, other transactions and reconciled month-end valuation with the SIC’s custodial bank as of the close of business on the last business day of each month, with copies of such statements delivered to both the SIC’s custodial bank and SIO by the fourth business day of the beginning of each month;