This item shall include the furnishing of all weather station equipment, instrumentation, and materials, but does NOT include initial setup, routine maintenance or service, nor repair work; the item DOES include (cover) work performed under the standard manufacturers’ warranty. Each item will include a structural support tower and all associated instrumentation for the weather station. Equipment and Materials, General: The Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS), and other equipment and materials covered by FAA Specifications shall have the approval of the Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C., 20591, as listed in Advisory Circular 150/5345-53D, or current edition at time of Bid Opening. All other equipment and materials covered by other referenced Specifications shall be subject to acceptance through the Manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable Specifications. AWOS SYSTEM. The Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) shall be a FAA type certified system in accordance with FAA AC 150/5220-16E (or latest edition) and shall be sited in accordance with FAA Order JO 6560.20C (or latest edition). General Performance Standards: Input Power. AWOS equipment shall operate from a 120/240V AC (± 10 percent), 60Hz ac (± 5 Hz), 3-wire single phase service. The AWOS enclosure shall be mounted to the AWOS tower in accordance with the Manufacturer's Specifications. Power Outage. The AWOS system will return to normal operation without human intervention after a power outage. When power is restored, the system shall not output erroneous data and all weather parameters should achieve normal indications or should indicate missing within 30 minutes. The system shall have the capability of operating from a one hour Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). Operating Environment. The AWOS equipment shall meet the requirements for operating in a Class 1 (-30 to +130 °F) environment, as defined in the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5220-16E (or latest edition).