Specifications include, but are not limited to: Proposed services shall address one or more of the following three priority areas: 1) Primary Health Care, 2) Dental Care, and 3) Behavioral Health Care. ; 1. Service Area and Target Population: The proposal must describe the service area and target population. The proposal must discuss how the Offeror intends to seek, enroll, and retain patients that meet the County’s indigent healthcare assistance program criteria according to Doña Ana County Resolution NO. 2018-47. 2. Organizational Capacity and Experience: The proposal must clearly describe the ability to perform the services and expertise with similar work. The description must include staff capacity, specialized experience, cultural competency, and other resources that can be used to leverage effective delivery of care and education. If sub-contracting all of the information below must be submitted for each subcontractor. Items to address in detail include but are not limited to the following: a. Administrative capacity including education and experience of key personnel in leadership, eligibility, and customer service positions. b. Healthcare capacity including education, licensing, and experience of key provider and educator positions. c. Experience of staff to effectively communicate and interact with individuals within the target population. Culturally competent bi-lingual Spanish-speaking providers, staff, and materials. d. Proposed strategy for developing and maintaining cultural competence standards. e. Years of experience in providing these services. 3. Community Collaboration: The proposal must describe collaborative efforts to decrease duplication, ensure comprehensive care, address social determinants of health and improve the effectiveness of the safety-net care system. The proposal must address how they will integrate healthcare services with social services that contribute to healthier living conditions and overall wellness. Include examples of agreements or letters of collaboration addressing gaps in safety-net care systems and streamlined services for patient-centered county-wide delivery systems. 4. Patient and Provider Education: The proposal must describe the type of community-based patient education and its impact on population health indicators, and type of local provider capacity building efforts. Description of patient education must include ideas for collaboration with community health workers and delivery of educational services at County owned Community Resource Centers (CRC), and impact on social determinants of health. Description of provider education must include proposed topics, partnerships with other providers and impact of quality of care and local capacity.