The New Mexico Department of Public Safety has received funding to design and construct their new Albuquerque Metropolitan Complex at 1250 Menaul Blvd NE. The Metro Complex will replace their existing D-5 Station at 2501 Carlisle NE in Albuquerque and consolidate their various other Albuquerque offices into one site. The scope of work for the Metro complex will include but not necessarily be limited to all the design phases. Additional work will be added to the fee as needed. As-needed services may include, but are not limited to: furniture and equipment, utility infrastructure upgrades, site investigations for soil testing, utility locations and topographical survey. Specialty sub consultants may include audio visual experts and others as needed. The design of the project shall conform to the Green Building Standards as defined by the New Mexico General Services Department’s Facilities Management Division (FMD). The design proposal must also meet any energy efficiency standards mandated for State-owned facilities in New Mexico. Please note that LEED is not applicable if the building units are below 15,000 square feet, and Energy Star will be required. If it is over the square foot threshold, then LEED Silver Certification will be required...