The 27 SOFSS is looking to purchase a Mobile Axe Throwing Trailer to be used during squadron, group and wing morale events using 100% Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF).
The Mobile Axe Throwing Trailer shall include the following specifications:
Dimensions: 20 feet long, no taller than 13 feet, 8.5 feet wide, with enough space for two (2)
throwing lanes and a lane divider.
Weight: Not to Exceed 5,000 LBS.
Tires: All weather tires, standard size for trailer.
Enclosure: Covered Roof to protect from rain with metal cage sides
Expandable metal fence caging surrounding unit and lane divider for extra safety and dual throwers.
Accessibility: Throwing Lanes shall be accessible via stairs and a ramp.
-Breaking System
-Leveling Jacks
-Spare Tire
Attachment 1 - Salient Characteristics
Attachment 2 - NAF Standard Clauses
Attachment 3 - KTR Questions and Answers