Specifications include, but are not limited to: a. Existing Road Typical Section(s): The existing road section is natural ground and some basecourse in locations which is contaminated with natural ground. There are defined borrow ditches in some areas and minimal shoulder widths. The driving surface width varies from 22’ to as narrow as 16’. b. Existing Right of Way: The design engineer will be required to verify and design for possibility of encroachment within the NM Hwy. 14 right of way at the BOP to address drainage concerns. Any design must take into consideration the need to maintain full-time access for residential and emergency access, with special attention given to a proposed drainage structure at the large arroyo (STA. 30+50, previous design). c. Existing Intersection(s): Within the project area there are 2 intersections (private roads): Rainbows End, Lt. Trestle Creek Road, Lt. d. Existing Driveway(s): There are approximately 10 driveways, on both sides of the existing roadway, that will be impacted. Temporary Construction Permits may be required to tie these driveways into a new roadway depending on extent of right-of-way. e. Existing Utilities: Engineer will be responsible to identify and locate all utilities within the project area. A fiber optic conduit and several manholes were installed in the roadway several years ago.