this requirement is Requiring 60" X 60" grid tubing fixture table with fixtures for all 4 sides capable of mounting tubing end
attachment points in 2 locations per side without any movement between test fittings. Set up should also allow Fixtures to
attach multiple size tubing fittings, be adjustable by swivel, and have ability to be removed and mounted across multiple
locations to fit aircraft tubing assemblies of all sizes with attachment points of up to 8 points. Table and fittings must be made
from sturdy materials capable of locking in place with absolutely no shifting. Must include 9 swivel chuck attachments. Must
include 9 keyless Chucks. note this is a fabricated requirement that is not a OTS commercial item being it is made up of OTS
commercial items.
Amedment 1- The Purpose of this amendment is to extend the due date by 6 days from 9-10-24 to 9-16-24 see Combined
Synopsis_Solicitation Amendment 1
Amendment 2- The purpose of this amendment is to extedn the due date by 2 days from 9-16-24 too 9-18-24 see combined synopisis _solicitation amendment 2 and add attachment Question answers