Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. The Subcontractor shall perform the following work: 1) Provide CYFD outlined services in Intensive Community Monitoring: a. Intake/assessment for 34 youth x $75 per youth b. Case management: 500 hours x $50 per hour c. Family Support: 170 hours x $50 per hour d. Home visits: 125 visits x $50 per visit e. Provide discharge plan for 34 youth x $100 per youth f. Administrative support (5% of grant total, based on each reimbursement invoice total) 2) Possible bi-monthly presentation to the Children and Youth Commission on the progress of the program. 3) Ensure as appropriate, that providers serving underserved communities e.g. American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic, and African American including serving low to very low-income households are trained on racial equity, inclusion and responsiveness. B. Performance Measures: 1) Contractor shall substantially perform the following based on Intensive Community Monitoring: Program Specific Performance Measures: 1) Decreased recidivism; and 2) Less time served in detention during the follow-up period thirty days. Local Site-Specific Performance Measures: 1) Decrease of five percent (5%) in negative criminal behavior; 2) Increase of five percent (5%) in grades, attendance and overall behavior in school or educational setting; 3) Decreased number of contacts made with each client; 4) Number of clients with successfully complete the program requirements; and 5) Reduced recidivism six (6) months after exiting the program C. Deliverables 1) Monthly program invoices due by the 10th of each month 2) Completed CYFD Data Collection Log which includes: a. Individualized Client ID b. Activity Log c. Youth Registry d. Other Program Specific Measurements as outlines by CYFD