Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Provide all personnel, equipment, labor, and supplies needed to produce agricultural crops, including scheduling and management of irrigation water and maintenance of irrigation ditches on the Property, between the Jackson Lake outflow and the property, and the Pickering Ditch. • Farm thirty percent (30%) of the arable acreage on the Property for the benefit of the Department. Fifty percent (50%) of this acreage left for the benefit of the Department shall be planted in nitrogen-fixing legumes (e.g. Austrian winter pea, hairy vetch, sainfoin, etc.) and the alternate fifty percent (50%) shall be planted in annual grain/forage crop (e.g. millet, sorghum, sorghum-sudangrass, etc). These crops will initially be left as food for wildlife. Then the Awarded Vendor shall mow and plow these crops into the soil as organic matter prior to planting the next crop. No livestock shall be grazed on this acreage unless requested by the Department. • Be allowed to farm seventy percent (70%) of the arable acreage on the Property for the benefit of the Awarded Vendor and be allowed to harvest and use/sell crops to defray costs. The Awarded Vendor shall be allowed to graze livestock seasonally, for weed control and use of forages produced, only on this acreage left for the benefit of the Awarded Vendor, and on associated infrastructure (e.g., roads, irrigation ditches, and so on) as approved by the Department. Livestock must be fenced into paddocks surrounding grazable acreage using temporary fencing. The Awarded Vendor is responsible for the upkeep of paddock and Property fences necessary to retain livestock within paddocks. The Awarded Vendor will be liable for any damage caused by livestock escaping paddocks. • Cooperate with the Department on an Annual Farm Plan detailing acreage/fields farmed for the benefit of the Department, acreage/fields farmed for the benefit of the Awarded Vendor, crops to be planted in each field, a date for a Crop Production Survey, chemical use, irrigation design, grazing plan, and other relevant farming factors for the following Annual Period by the final day in February of each year. Both the Awarded Vendor and the Department must agree and sign off on the terms of this plan.