Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. The offeror shall provide: a. Janitorial/Custodial Services in accordance with these specifications to any City owned offices or facilities as requested by the City Departments or Facilities Manager during hours of janitorial services of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. b. Janitorial/Custodial services in such a manner as to meet all accepted standards for safe practices during janitorial operations to safely maintain City property. c. Safety measures with equipment and chemicals which comply with all local, County, State, Federal, and OSHA Safety Orders at all times. d. Vacuum cleaning equipment, brooms, dust pans, mop buckets, mops and mop handles. e. Staffing levels with the current APPA or WASBO standards. f. A listing of all staff names that will be performing the general cleaning duties for each facility to the Site Manager. g. Background checks of all personnel that will be performing duties for the city facilities, at the Contractor’s expense. The background check results shall be approved by the City before staff is allowed to perform duties for any City facility or office. h. Requirements of their staff to wear uniforms and/or name badges to clearly identify their staff and company name. i. Immediate repairs or replacements to any City property, in the opinion of the City, to have been damaged by the Contractor during operations. 2. The Offeror shall clean and sanitize City offices and facilities according to General Duties Guideline, ATTACHMENT A 3. The Offeror shall clean and sanitize bathrooms, walls, floors, carpeting, office furniture, windows, and doors as listed, but not limited to, the General Duties Guideline