THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL APPLY TO ALL MANHOLES LISTED IN THIS BID. ANY VARIATION IN THESE WOULD HAVE TO BE PRE-APPROVED BY THE PROJECT MANAGER PRIOR TO THE WORK BEING DONE. - Staking - clearing and grubbing - potholing - excavation - trench box - shoring - saw cutting asphalt - asphalt surface removal - flow through plug - removal & disposal of manhole cone - disposal of barrels, bricks, and grade rings - disposal of any additional items - FRP installation - pipe - reshape bench for liner and coat bench and invert (if base does not require rebuild) - extend sewer pipes 3” inside fiberglass liner - ring and cover replacement and disposal - concrete grade rings, 1x4” and 1x2” - concrete collar per City of Farmington Tech Specs Standard Details (D-104) - traffic control for residential streets - outage notification per City standard including 48-hour notice and resident door-hangers - weather protection for materials - dewatering - grout - hydraulic cement...