The current contract support includes, but is not limited to, the following: to furnish all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, and all other items and services required to perform and support MQ-9 Contract Aircrew Training (CAT) and Courseware Development (CWD) to include Instrument Refresher Course (IRC) for personnel in support of operations, as required, at Holloman AFB, NM; White Sands Missile Range, NM; Creech AFB, NV; March ARB, CA; and Hancock Field ANGB, NY. The contractor will be required to train foreign military sales (FMS) aircrews at Holloman and Creech AFBs. The purpose of this training program is to support RPA pilot training to achieve the following qualification levels: Initial Qualification (IQT), Combat Mission Readiness (CMR), Requalification, and Instructor Upgrade. This contract requires the contractor to provide academic instruction, training device instruction, flight training instruction, and courseware development using the instructional systems development approach.
See attached Request for Information.