Comprehensive Renovation Plan: Consultant shall provide a single comprehensive Plan to include the following: a) A Safety and Accessibility Assessment - The chosen Consultant will conduct a thorough inventory of all safety issues within the existing area and items of non-compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within the area. Focus areas include entry points, egress to existing structures, sidewalks, amenities, parking, lighting, playground safety, and any other areas recommended by the chosen consultant. b) Evaluate existing structures physical conditions and functionality. c) Identification of and guidance on preservation of environmentally sensitive areas, sensitive wildlife areas, and cultural sites using best practices within the identified development area. d) Identification of and solutions for user conflicts through best practices. e) Recommendation of additional amenities to support skill development, recreational pursuits, group activities, and/or nature viewing for open space and trail user enjoyment while balancing the preservation of the natural areas. f) Recommendation of additional amenities for user support, such as restrooms, bike racks, and bike tool systems. g) Identification of any signage location requirements for all items in the Plan area. h) Recommendation for trail connection and accessibility to all amenities.