Engineering/Architect Services may consist of, but are not limited to, technical services, engineering and related project services to complete the design and construction of various projects from design analysis reports up to and including construction bid award and construction phase activities. The consultant will provide the following types of professional services including but not limited to planning, design, surveying, right-of-way mapping, drainage design, geotechnical engineering, traffic engineering, construction management and any other services needed to complete the project. Specific duties may include, but are not limited to, technical support, surveying, drafting construction phase assistance, electrical and mechanical engineering analysis, drainage reports, and inspection services. Inspection services will consist of providing construction inspectors for utility, roadway, bridge, or other Public Works type construction. The County also reserves the right to modify, by addition or deletion, the Scope of Services in whole or in part at any time during the procurement of the design team or during the course of the Project.