Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Serve as the media agency and public relations consultant on behalf of NMHU, with the authority to speak on behalf of the university, schedule media opportunities, and provide media content on behalf of NMHU. This includes: a. Purchasing advertising space/time on behalf of NMHU. b. Producing multimedia marketing and advertising content on behalf of NMHU. c. Negotiate advertising and marketing campaigns with all media outlets, including television, print, radio, outdoor, and digital. d. Terminate related marketing agreements on behalf of NMHU. e. Oversee, manage, and conduct university-wide media training for NMHU administration, faculty, and staff. Identify marketing and communication priorities and develop programs to address needs to ensure consistent institutional branding and image. f. Develop annual and long-range marketing plans with specific strategies, effective tactics, and measurable objectives. g. Employ project management skills to implement comprehensive communication plans and strategies. h. Advise the Vice President for Marketing and Communications, University President, and their designees as needed, of communication, public relations, marketing, and social media strategies. i. Compile and analyze market penetration indices to measure the success of marketing campaigns and communication efforts. j. Objectively and measurably evaluate progress toward established goals and objectives. k. Coordinate and analyze the effectiveness of NMHU social media strategy and l. campaigns. Maintain adherence to NMHU established image and branding procedures. m. Develop new programs to fit current attitudes and trends regarding the nmhu.edu website, social media platforms, and other digital communication and marketing initiatives. n. Generate collaborative activities and programs to increase the visibility and positive public image of NMHU. o. Commit a minimum of 20 hours weekly to the execution of these duties and others, as assigned by the Vice President for Marketing and Communications.