Remove litter from roadways, parking lots, range bays and adjacent grounds throughout each area of the ranges, including trash, broken glass, shot-up debris, etc. Complaints submitted to the NMDGF related to site cleanliness will need to be addressed within 72 hours. Transport all trash to a designated landfill or transfer station in compliance with regulations of the State Environment Department. Provide toilet paper, and thoroughly clean vault toilets, to include: Washing and sanitizing commode surfaces. Washing and sanitizing of commonly touched surfaces, e.g., handicap railing, door handles and locks. Removing all foreign matter from restrooms. Notifying the NMDGF when vaults reach half full and need to be pumped. Deal with damaged and/or vandalized property as follows: Immediately (by no later than the next day, if discovered at the end of the day), report all vandalism and/or any major maintenance/repair needs to NMDGF. Take multiple photos to show the extent of vandalism or damage. Immediately notify NMDGF Point of Contact (POC) via telephone, and follow-up via email, with a detailed description and related photos.