Geographic Focus: All counties will be considered for an award. Awards will be based on the most advantageous proposal(s), to all counties with prioritization to one or more SFCCNs that work in and with FCCH and GCCH providers within the City of Albuquerque, Dona Ana County, and Otero County. Activities: Create a SFCCN to provide educational and technical support to FCCH and GCCH providers for them to sustain and grow their businesses. Each SFCCN shall serve a minimum of 15 licensed providers. Contractor(s) shall: A. Create a SFCCN start-up plan within three months of signing the contract with ECECD that includes the network members, network recruitment, and network services set forth in the original proposal and as awarded by ECECD. B. For each provider in the SFCCN, develop goals based on business capacity and provide supportive services based on needs expressed by the FCCH and GCCH providers. C. Design or identify professional development training, as approved by ECECD, for the FCCH and GCCH providers in each Network. D. Host one or more professional development trainings each month, with at least one session per quarter focused on best business practices. E. Provide information on opportunities in obtaining Child Development Credential (CDC) to all child care providers participating in the network and provide additional support as needed. F. Provide each Network provider with at least 4 hours per month of individualized coaching online or in person to be determined by the offeror and network provider on relevant topics to the network’s purpose and members, such as: 1. Utilizing a child care management system (CCMS) and analyzing data from CCMS to support management of Iron Triangle metrics. 2. Recruiting and serving families to receive care from providers in the SFCCN. 3. Offer Network providers training and resources on business development. G. Connect interested Network providers with other ECECD-funded business coaches. H. Assist interested Network providers on enrolling in ECECD’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and complying with its requirements. I. Support interested Network providers with preparing for and applying to offer New Mexico PreK through the competitive grant process managed by ECECD. J. Assist providers with completing a Child Care Finder webpage. K. Assist providers with onboarding and use of the ECECD Professional Development Integrated System (PDIS). L. Support Network providers to participate in EPICS, including assistance enrolling, entering and accessing data, and otherwise managing the provider portal. M. Provide technical assistance in family child care providers homes to support Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) and program growth. N. Provide feedback to ECECD in a quarterly written report detailing: 1. The utility of the New Mexico cost modeling tool for family child care providers. 2. The quality improvement approach for FOCUS rating specific to family child care. 3. Technical assistance needs of Family Child Care business owners, as well as systemic barriers that need to be addressed.