The selected Offeror shall provide the following services on an as needed basis: A. Working Group management and coordination B. Develop new and revised draft rules, policies, directives, and procedures to carry out the directives in the E.O. C. Develop a comprehensive strategic plan and timeline for the fleet transition informed by current inventories, vehicle types, vehicle range requirements, future needs, charging infrastructure availability, hosting capacity studies, vehicle availability, and other relevant factors. D. Establish and maintain reporting and data tracking/analysis for all state entities impacted by implementation of the E.O. E. Propose enforceable performance measures for State agency and Governor’s Office adoption; Implement and track all adopted performance measures. F. Prepare presentations, briefings, progress reports and other updates for the Governor and other State leaders, legislative committees, and the general public upon direction from NMDOT. G. Conduct research, as needed, on best practices and lessons learned, transition plans and models, procurement tools, vendors, partnerships and other information relevant to achieving the goals of the E.O. and implementing the strategic plan and timeline (Item C. above).