Specifications include, but are not limited to: The University of New Mexico Utility Services Department (USD) is seeking qualified proposals pursuant of this Request for Proposals (RFP). The work is to improve the UNM UT Departments ability to provide consistent power to North Campus customers. The current 12.47 KV distribution at UNM must be upgraded to tie the North UNM Substation to the Central UNM Substation. The work must conform with normal UNM Terms and Conditions as well as all state and local regulations. Work will be inspected by a qualified third party and can be deemed unacceptable based on workmanship and adherence to the plans and specifications. The work will include some removal of concrete and other site improvements that will have to be replaced per UNMH Project specifications. With most of the work occurring on an active UNMH Project, the work areas will need to be fenced off with a six foot temp. fence and appropriate safety regulations must be coordinated with the current contractor onsite.