Geotechnical Services: Provide a full range of geotechnical, soils investigation, testing and analysis services in support of new construction or retrofit/repair of existing facilities or structures. Conduct site & subsurface geotechnical investigations, site characterization, and geotechnical foundation design recommendations. Geotechnical reports shall be prepared and provided as follows: Preliminary geotechnical report shall be sent to the Owners' Representatives by email within ten (10) calendar days after completion of service. Final geotechnical report delivered shall be sent to the Owners' Representatives by email within twenty-one (21) calendar days after completion of service. Quality Control Testing Services: Provide full range of construction material testing and inspection service including testing of soils and other building materials. This includes, but is not limited to services listed in Appendix A - Pricing Matrix. Test Reports: For each test performed, the Consultant shall prepare reports that address UNMH requirements, adhere to industry standards, and be provided as follows: The preliminary test report shall be sent to the Owners' Representatives by email within five (5) calendar days after completion of test...