Specifications include, but are not limited to: The consultant shall complete the VRU Safety Assessment and full SHSP update and complete the following tasks, in the order presented, overlapping as appropriate: 1. Establish project management team Upon issuance of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the contract, the selected consultant will work with the NMDOT project manager to schedule a kick-off meeting for the project. The first task at the kick-off meeting is to establish the project management team (PMT). This task will also include identifying communication protocols, establishing roles and responsibilities, and confirming respective Project Managers for both the NMDOT and consultant team. The project kick-off meeting may be a virtual meeting, as may all other project management meetings. There may be some in-person meetings as determined by the PMT. 2. Establish project schedule The consultant will work with the PMT to establish an overall project schedule for both phases of the project. The schedule must ensure critical deadlines are met, including the November 15, 2023, date for submittal of the VRU Safety Assessment. The PMT will periodically update the project schedule to account for changes from unforeseen delays or scope items and tasks being completed more quickly than anticipated. The project schedule must be approved by the PMT. Deliverable: Approved project schedule 3. Establish a document style guide Prior to launching the public and stakeholder engagement process, the consultant will develop a style guide for both the VRU Safety Assessment and SHSP. This will include colors, fonts and other graphic elements as needed. All outreach materials, documents, maps, web-based materials and website design will follow the style guide for a coherent and appealing graphic design across platforms and documents. The document style guide must be approved by the PMT. Deliverable: Approved document style guide 4. Public/stakeholder engagement plan Once the style guide is established, the consultant will develop and implement a public engagement and stakeholder plan for the VRU Safety Assessment and SHSP. Public and stakeholder involvement will comply with the FHWA requirements for a consultative SHSP development process in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 148(a)(11)(A) and the NMDOT’s Public Involvement Plan.