The City of Amsterdam is seeking retain an engineering firm to provide preliminary and final design services, construction support, and inspection services for consultant to help prepare a community-based Complete Streets Plan that looks at improving safety and mobility for all users. Amsterdam has significant transit structures in the downtown that need to be more aligned with pedestrian and non-motorized travel. The project involves the planning, design, and reconstruction of sections of Main Street and Bridge Street. The project will include updating the streetscape to include ornamental lighting, street trees, pedestrian facilities upgrades, access road reconfiguration, intersection redesigns for enhanced pedestrian safety, and hardscapes that are complimentary to the currently in-progress downtown improvement projects. The project involves pavements, curbing, lighting, stormwater, landscaping, signage, and signs. All work will be designed to AASHTO specifications and NYSDOT Standard Specifications
Preliminary Design will include but not be limited to: preparation of the Design Approval Document (identifying, assessing, and selecting a feasible design alternative and its associated impacts), topographic and right-of-way survey and mapping, property deed research, evaluation of cost and environmental factors, and preparation for attendance and participation at public informational meetings and/or hearings. Final Design will include but not be limited to: development of highway plans, highway design, preparation of right-of-way plans and acquisition maps, development and design for public utilities, maintenance and protection of traffic during construction, and preparation and submission of final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) for the project. Construction Support will include but not be limited to providing technical support
Construction Support will include but not be limited to providing technical support during construction on questions relating to the design, and aiding in construction bid proceedings, analysis of bids, and review of shop drawings, if necessary.
Construction Inspection will include but not be limited to providing on-site construction inspection and oversight to ensure the quality of construction and conformity with the final plans and specifications, and preparation of as-built plans.