1. Intent: It is Chemung County's intent to award the bid(s) to the responsive bidder submitting the lowest responsible total gross sum bid Sheriff’s office footwear.
2. Submission of Bid: Prices are being solicited for one (1) group of items must submit bid prices on all items .
3. Estimated Quantities: Quantities listed are estimated annual purchases based upon historical data and should not be construed to represent either minimum or maximum quantities. The County makes no guarantees to purchase either minimum or maximum quantities of any bid item. The successful bidders will provide the items on a continuing demand basis throughout the term of the contract.
4. Bid Prices: Bid prices shall be inclusive of all delivery, shipping, and handling charges (F.O.B. Destination) to the Chemung County Sheriff’s Office, 203 William St., Elmira, NY.
5. NYS Contract Prices: The County reserves the right to purchase any item on the "Form for Submission of Bid" from the New York State Contract vendor at the New York State Contract price, if such price is less than the bid price of the successful bidder. The successful bidder will be given the opportunity to provide such items at the New York State Contract price.
6. Term: The contract term(s) are from the date of the contract execution through December 31st, 2023. Upon mutual agreement, each contract may be extended for up to one (1) additional year, under the same terms and conditions and at the same prices.
7. Bid Items and Specified Brand Names: Pursuant NYS Municipal Law Section 103, Subdivision 5 and Chemung County Legislature Resolution #22-431, the County has standardized on certain manufacturer’s brands as listed on the Form for Submission of Bid. These are the only acceptable products and no substitutions will be accepted. The standardized manufacturers are as follows:
1. Bates, Danner, 5.11, and Under Amour – have been approved for footwear
Other brand names are specified on the Form for Submission of Bid to show the quality, style, design, and minimum specifications required. Chemung County, in its sole discretion, shall determine the equivalence of proposed products to the minimum specifications. Bidders are solely responsible to provide proof of equivalence of proposed products to the minimum specifications.
In the event that any item on the Form for Submission of Bid is discontinued or there is an error in a bid item, the County may subtract the bid price submitted for such item from all bids before determining the low bid.
8. Ordering and Delivery: Purchase orders will be issued to the vendor(s) as necessary to cover the purchases of bid items on a continuing basis. For any standard size footwear, the vendor shall deliver the items within fourteen (14) business days of the date of the order. For any non-standard size footwear, the vendor shall deliver the items within thirty (30) business days of the date of the order. If a vendor does not ship
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any ordered item within the delivery times as stated, Chemung County reserves the right to order that item from another source and deduct the price paid for that item from the vendors invoice.
The successful vendor(s) shall assign an experienced professional account executive to work directly with the County. The account executive will meet with the Sheriff Dept. staff when required by the County, and shall oversee all Chemung County processes and handle any problems which might occur.
9. Cancellation/Termination: If a contractor fails to deliver an order within the time limits as set forth in paragraph 8 above, the County in its sole discretion may cancel the order and shall have the right in its sole discretion to terminate the contract in its entirety.
10. Invoicing and Payment: The vendor shall submit a detailed invoice for each order delivered and accepted. All invoices shall be directed to the Chemung County Sheriff, 203 William St., Elmira, NY 14902-0588. Invoices for complete and accepted orders will be paid within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice. No interest or late fees shall be paid by the County
1. Price Adjustments: Unless otherwise stated in this document, at no time during the term of any contract arising from an award by the Chemung County Legislature may any of the contract pricing be changed for any reason without prior written approval by the Chemung County Purchasing Department. The Vendor may request a price adjustment at time of renewal of a contract term and only one (1) price adjustment allowance per each one-year contract term extension shall be allowed. If a price adjustment request is made, the vendor shall give the County a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days notification of any request for a price adjustment. Said adjustment may at no time exceed the Consumer Price Index Table 4 for all items as calculated by the County Purchasing Department. Should the County deem the requested adjustment unacceptable, the County reserves the right to terminate the contract in accordance with the terms of this bid and seek pricing from whatever sources legally available.
An example of the price adjustment calculation is as follows (figures are illustrative only):
CPI for current period = 232.945
CPI for previous period - 229.815
Equals index point change = 3.130
Divided by previous period CPI ÷ 229.185
Equals = 1.0136
Result multiplied by 100 = 0.0136 x 100
Equals rounded percentage change = 1.4%
The contractor(s) has the sole responsibility to submit invoices at the adjusted bid prices on the applicable effective date and shall provide to the Chemung County Purchasing Department a copy of the index and other supporting documentation necessary to support the increase or decrease, as appropriate. Should the contractor fail to submit adjusted invoices and/or supporting documentation within three (3) months after the applicable effective date, the contractor shall be deemed to have waived its right to any increase in price, but the County shall not be barred from making adjustment in the case of a decrease determined in accordance with the above methodology.
11. Questions: Questions concerning the bid items may be directed to, McKenzie Roberts or William Schrom,
Sheriff‘s Office at 607-737-2863 or 607-737-2869.