MATERIALS: Topsoil may be naturally occurring or may be manufactured. If naturally occurring topsoil exists on the site it shall be the surface layer of soil at a depth specified in the contract documents or approved by the Owner. a. Manufactured topsoil shall be a mixture of materials comprised of a mineral (soil) component which by itself does not exhibit the properties and characteristics of topsoil, with soil amendments such as NYSDOT §713- 15 Compost and NYSDOT §713-02 Limestone when combined together, meet the requirements for topsoil, and be thoroughly mixed under dry conditions. b. Topsoil shall be free from refuse, material toxic or otherwise deleterious to plant growth, subsoil, sod clumps, seeds or other viable propagules of invasive plants, woody vegetation and stumps, roots, brush, refuse, stones, clay lumps, or similar objects. Whenever possible, topsoil which does not meet this requirement will be rejected prior to placement by the Owner. In the event weedseed propagates from placed topsoil which looked otherwise clean, the provider may be held responsible for its removal and replacement. c. Construction and demolition debris as classified under 6 NYCRR Part 360, otherthan uncontaminated land clearing debris, shall not be used. d. Topsoil must be able to support growth of grass-seed mixtures in a lawn setting.
Upon request, the contractor shall provide a certification from a nationally recognized entity which provides soils laboratory services. Stockpiles meeting all requirements for pH, organic and gradation may be accepted and used. Stockpiles that when tested fail to meet requirements for pH or organic may be amended in place. A stockpile that fails to meet gradation requirements may not be accepted. The Contractor shall provide a plan for amending pH and/or organic to the Owner certified by a nationally recognized entity which provides soils laboratory services. Once the Owner accepts the plan and certification the Contractor may amend the stockpile. Re-testing of the stockpile is not required prior to placing the topsoil materials.