Work in this section consists of the safe removal and disposal of tree tops, trees, trees including stumps, stumps only and emergency services as described herein, on an as ordered basis throughout Chemung County, including RURAL and URBAN areas.
Work may incorporate the clearing and grubbing of PROJECT WORK ZONES, including site specific locations or longitudinal segments of highway rights-of-way.
The work in this section consists of clearing and grubbing the work area necessary for construction of the proposed improvements and miscellaneous site requirements, and shall conform to the requirements of NYSDOT Section 201 and these specifications.
aterials generated by the work, shall not be disposed of by burning on or off the site, nor disposed of within the Highway Right-of-Way. Contractor shall dispose of materials off site in accordance with all Federal, State, County and Local requirements. Should the Contractor dispose of materials on private property, Contractor shall provide a signed copy of the permission to use land agreement to the OWNER prior to the OWNER processing the final application for payment.
Clearing and Grubbing: Clear all areas within project limits by removing and disposing of trees, stumps, roots, brush and debris. Resulting vegetative materials shall not exceed an exposed height of 4-inches above grade. Tree branches less than sixteen feet clear height above the roadway surface and within the right of way shall be pruned.