Summary of Specifications:
The project consists of: Base Bid – Cherry Street - The Base Bid will include all labor, material, trucking, installation and miscellaneous costs for the preparation and asphalt of Cherry Street including the intersections as shown on the paving limits on the Contract Drawings and Specifications. Replacing existing curb with portland concrete curb, replacing concrete handicapped ramps, replacing driveway aprons, restoration of grass parkways, milling 3” of existing asphalt, milling to sub-grade of remaining asphalt (Minimum 3”), replacing existing sanitary main and manholes, replacing existing storm main and catch basins, replacing storm sewer manhole covers, tack coating, true and leveling courses, replacing driveway aprons, replacing the handicapped ramps, utility cover adjustments, replacing existing subbase with 8” compacted gravel sub-base, furnishing and installing three inch (3”) thick Type 2 Base hot mix asphalt, furnishing and installing two inch (2”) thick Type 3 Binder hot mix asphalt, furnishing and installing two inch (2”) thick Type 7F Top hot mix asphalt, replace existing signage, and pavement markings. The project will also include tack coating, 1-1/2” true and leveling courses.
Alternate/Add #1 – Reynolds Avenue – Milling & Paving - The Alternate/Add #1 Bid will include all labor, material, trucking, installation and miscellaneous costs for the preparation and asphalt of Reynolds Avenue including the intersections as shown on the paving limits on the Contract Drawings and Specifications. Milling of existing asphalt to gravel Sub-base, adjusting existing catch basins, storm and sanitary sewer manhole covers, water valves, tack coating, true and leveling courses, utility cover adjustments, furnishing and installing one - three inch (3”) thick Type 3 Binder hot mix asphalt, one - two inch (2”) thick Type 7F Top hot mix asphalt, replace existing signage, and pavement markings. The project will also include tack coating, 1-1/2” true and leveling courses as ordered by engineer.
Alternate/Add #2 – Reynolds Avenue – Milling Only - The Alternate/Add #2 Bid will include all labor, material, trucking, installation and miscellaneous costs for the preparation for paving by others of Reynolds Avenue including the intersections as shown on the paving limits on the Contract Drawings and Specifications. Milling of existing asphalt to gravel Sub-base, adjusting existing catch basins, storm and sanitary sewer manhole covers, water valves, replace existing signage, and pavement markings. Pavement will be replaced with 3” cold recycled pavement and chip sealed surface by others.