Summary of Specifications:
Haul and dispose/use biosolids generated at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility, 11 Silas Lane, Oneonta, New York. Biosolids to be disposed are the products of a 4.0 MGD WWTP, utilizing processes which include influent pumping, screenings and grit removal, primary sedimentation, trickling filter followed by RBC, secondary settling and disinfection. The resulting sludge is a combination of primary and secondary clarifiers, thickened then pumped into a two stage anaerobic digestion system. Following digestion, the sludge is dewatered by use of a belt filter press. Approximate quantity generated in year 2004 was 2512 dry tons, or 6.6 tons/day average. Maximum quantity generated per week may reach 90 dry tons. Approximate percent solids for year 2004 was 21.7%. Successful bidder to accept all sludge that is dewatered to 20% solids or greater. Chemical analysis reports for 2004 sludge cake available on request. Successful bidder to provide roll-off containers with covers & the means to move said containers or dump trailer. Due to limited storage capability, on-site storage to be limited to no more than two roll-off containers. Regular pick-up must be scheduled in advance, during normal working hours (7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., Monday-Friday, excluding holidays). Minimum of one pick-up per week is required.