Summary of Specifications:
SPRUCE STREET RECONSTRUCTION ALBERT MORRIS DRIVE TO MAPLE STREET Base Bid – The Base Bid will include all labor, material, equipment, trucking, installation and miscellaneous costs for the reconstruction of Spruce Street including the intersections as shown on the Contract Drawings and Specifications. Work to be done will include installing Portland concrete curb, replacing existing sidewalk at areas that are taken out for water services with Portland concrete sidewalk including handicapped ramps, additional Portland concrete sidewalk installation, replacing asphalt driveway aprons, restoration of grass parkways, milling 3” of existing asphalt, milling to sub-grade of remaining asphalt (Minimum 3”), replacing existing 8” sanitary main, manholes, and laterals with new 8” SDR-35 sanitary main, manholes, and laterals, replacing existing 6” water main, valves, services and hydrants with new 8” C900 PVC DR-18 water main, valves, services and hydrants, replacing existing storm sewer pipes and catch basins with new storm sewer pipes and catch basins, replacing existing storm sewer outlet with new 24” storm sewer outlet with reinforced concrete headwall at Oneonta Creek, replacing existing subbase with 8” compacted gravel sub-base, installing 3” of Type 1 asphalt, 2” of Type 3 asphalt, 2” Type 7F2 asphalt, replacing/installing signage and pavement markings, as indicated in the Contract Drawings and Specifications.