Summary of Specifications:
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction of a new boat launch ramp, boat docking, pervious paving, parking lot construction, tree planting and other site appurtenances at the former Rod Mill site in the City of Rome, Oneida County, New York. Plans, specifications, proposal forms and other contract documents may be examined at the office of the City Engineer, Third Floor, City Hall, Rome, New York, or secured for bidding purposes at the same office upon payment of a plan fee of $50.00. An additional non-refundable charge of $10.00, in a separate check, will be required for mailing. Checks should be drawn to the City of Rome Treasurer, 198 North Washington Street, Rome, New York 13440. If paid in cash, the bidder of record will be refunded by money order. The cost of the money order will be deducted from the plan fee only. Upon return of unmarked drawings, specifications, and other contract documents, within 2 weeks after the date set for receipt of bids, bidders of record only will be refunded their bid deposit of $50.00, for no more than two sets of drawings. Each project bid will be time-stamped by the City Clerk’s Office when received and must include all elements listed.