Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioner of DPW, City of Schenectady, New York until 10:30 am Eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday, the 21st, day of June, 2023, in the office of the City Clerk, Room #107, City Hall, 105 Jay Street, where they shall be time and date stamped before depositing in the proposal box for "FURNISHING SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 2023" in the City of Schenectady, in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Water Department where they may be examined.
One-half (1/2) hour after the time named for the receipt of bids, the bids will be publicly opened by the Clerk and read and the award of the Contract made according to law as soon thereafter as practicable.
Each bid must be made upon a standard printed Bidding Sheet sealed within a standard envelope furnished by the Committee on Bids and endorsed upon the outside of the envelope with the name of the work or of the kind of materials or supplies to which the enclosed bid relates.
Each bid must be accompanied by cash, bid bond, or certified check or bank check, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the gross amount of the total bid payable to the order of the City of Schenectady as guarantee of the good faith and intention of the bidder to enter into the Contract, should the Contract be awarded to the bidding entity within the stipulated time. All the bid deposits, except those of the lowest bidders, will be returned to the bidding entities making the bids within three (3) days after the opening of the bids. Within three (3) days after the execution of the Contract by the lowest qualified bidder, the remaining deposits will be returned to the bidding entities making the bids, including the bid deposit of the lowest bidder.
Bidders are hereby notified that they are exempt from the payment of manufacturers' excise taxes for materials purchased for the exclusive use of the City, provided the manufacturer has complied with the rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Exemption Certificates will be supplied by the City Clerk upon request.
The New York State Sales Tax does not apply to the Contract for the construction of this project. Consequently, the contractors will be exempt from payment on purchase of materials and supplies for the execution of this Contract, and such taxes shall not be included in bids. If purchases by Contractors for the construction of this project shall be determined by the appropriate court to be subject to such taxes, the City of Schenectady will reimburse the Contractors for the payment of such taxes.
As indicated on the Proposal, each bidder must submit a separate bid for (a) all the supplies and materials required, necessary or proper for or incidental to the completion of each Bid Item, and a separate bid for (b) all work except supplies and materials necessary or proper for or incidental to the completion of each Bid Item.
Unless otherwise noted on Bidding Sheet, each bidder is required to state a price as specified for each and every item enumerated on the proposal upon which the bid is made. Any bid which fails to name a price per unit of measurement for each of the items for which quantities are given may be held to be informal and may be rejected.
The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids not deemed to be in the best interest of the City and may reject as informal such bids as, in its opinion, are incomplete, conditional, obscure, or which contain irregularities of any kind, including unbalanced bids.
Each bidder is required to state in his bid the names and places of residence of any and all persons interested in the bid; that the bid is made without any connection with any person making another bid for the same Contract; that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud and that no member of the Council or other officer of the City of Schenectady or any person in the employ of the said City is directly or indirectly interested in the bid or in the materials, supplies or the work to which it relates or in any other portion of the profits thereof.
No bid may be withdrawn for any reason whatever after it has been deposited with Department of Water.
No bid will be accepted from, or Contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the City of Schenectady upon debt or Contract or who is in default, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the said City, nor shall a bid be accepted or Contract awarded to any Contractor whose performance of any previous Contract has been unsatisfactory.
The bidder whose bid has been accepted will be required to attend at the Office of the Clerk of the Council and execute the Contract within three (3) days from the date of the service of a notice delivered to him in person or mailed to the address given in the bid that the Contract has been awarded to him. In case of failure to execute the Contract within the time stated, he or they shall be deemed to have abandoned the Contract and the amount of the deposit made by him or them will be forfeited to and retained by the City of Schenectady as liquidated damages.
The work proposed or the furnishing of materials or supplies and installation required herein must be begun within ten (10) days from the date of the execution of the Contract and will progress therewith to its completion within the number of days fixed by the Contractor in his proposal according to the terms of the Contract, specifications and plans on file in the office of the Water Department.
The approximate quantities will be used as a basis in determining the lowest bidder. They are based upon an approximate estimate of the quantities of work to be performed. The Contractor shall not, at any time after the execution of this Contract, dispute the accuracy of the estimate or make any claims whatever against the City of Schenectady based upon their alleged accuracy or claim any misunderstanding in regard to the nature of the condition or the amount of work to be done or the quantities of materials to be furnished under this Contract. Bids will be compared, computed and canvassed on the basis of the gross sum obtained by multiplying the approximate quantities by the respective bid under unit price (c) on the proposal, the unit price (c) being the total unit price equal to the sum of unit price (a) plus unit price (b) where applicable.
All bids received shall be with the understanding that they are based on our specifications. Such specifications shall be deemed an invitation to bid, and the bid shall be deemed an offer to the City based on those terms and specifications.
Bids shall remain open to acceptance and shall be irrevocable for a period of forty-five (45) days after the Bid opening date.