Summary of Specifications:
Please note this is a REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS. NOTICE is hereby given that sealed requests for qualifications for the “PERFORMANCE BASED ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT” will be received by the Water Department of the City of Schenectady at the office of the Department of Water #206, City Hall, Jay Street, Schenectady, New York where they will be time and date stamped by the department. Requests for Qualifications will be received until 10:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time on April 28, 2014. The Water Department will evaluate each submission. Each submission must be formatted as per the Request For Qualifications and sealed in an envelope endorsed on the outside with a description of the work for which the submission is being made. The Request for Qualifications may be examined in the office of the Department of Water, Room #206, City Hall, 105 Jay Street, Schenectady, N.Y., 12305, and obtained therefrom or they can be mailed by parcel post for an additional non-refundable postage-and-handling charge of $15.00. A check for that amount shall be made out to the City of Schenectady and mailed to the Water Department at the above address as much in advance of the qualifications receipt date as possible.