The City of Schenectady has been awarded a Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) grant and is seeking proposals from qualified consultant engineering firms/teams to provide design, environmental, right of way and construction management services to extend North Jay Street, from its current dead-end northeast to the intersection of Nott Street and Maxon Road, thus creating a new connection between Downtown and the Mohawk Harbor. This project will provide connectivity between the downtown area and Mohawk Harbor by providing a second north-south connection that is more pedestrian and bicycle friendly for linking the transportation system to these major destinations. The project will include design and construction of a two-lane street that will provide additional access to Mohawk Harbor, Union College campus and Ellis Hospital. The design and construction will include a sidewalk/multi-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists. In addition, this project includes improvements to Maxon Road, extending from the new Nott Street/Jay Street intersection to Erie Boulevard opposite Mohawk Harbor Way. Improvements to include sidewalk/multi-use path to complete the pedestrian and bicycle link from Mohawk Harbor along Maxon Street and Jay Street through Little Italy to downtown.