Summary of Specifications:
Sealed Bids will be received by the Committee on Bids of the City of Schenectady at the office of the City Clerk, Room #107 City Hall, 105 Jay Street, Schenectady, New York where they will be time and date stamped by the City Clerk before being deposited in the bid box, until 10:30 AM EDT on October 23rd 2013, and then publicly opened and read aloud in Room #110 at 11:00 AM EDT for:
Well Field Water Supply Generator Installation Contract 1E The work consists of providing an outdoor diesel fueled 2400 V, 900 kW generator, (2) 5 kV metal-enclosed load interrupter switchgear configured as mechanical-interlocked manual transfer switches (MVTS), connection to existing 2.4 kV circuit, ductbank, manhole, trenching and site-work for all electric wiring, concrete pads for generator and MVTS, ancillary wiring, remote alarm panel, wiring from generator to fuel pump controller in tank room, SCADA system wiring and replacement of a power monitor. Well pump building #5 renovations to include; removal and replacement of building electrical equipment from walls, disconnect and remove wiring from fans, refinish of surfaces, new lights, devices and associated wiring, intercepting and extending a 2.4 kV feeder to well pump #5 (provided by Owner), and pump controller modifications. Contract 1G The work consists of trenching and site-work for fuel piping, relocation of sewer line, new diesel fuel duplex pump set and controller to replace the existing pump set, connection to existing suction & discharge piping in the tank building, new copper piping from existing diesel piping to generator and partial reuse of the existing supply & return fuel piping.
Well pump building #5 renovations to include; removal of existing diesel pump exhaust system, fuel piping and remote radiator, removal of louvers and fans, removal and disposal of lead containing paint, removal of entrance canopy and walls, refinishing of surfaces, mortar and brickwork, and new windows.
The Project shall be completed within 190 calendar days after the date when the contract time commences to run.
Bids will be received on a lump sum basis.
Bids should not include sales and compensating use taxes on materials incorporated into the work.
Bids actually received by mail or by hand after the appointed time on the date specified shall be rejected, notwithstanding that such Bid may have been placed in a mail box or other mail receptacle regularly maintained by the United States Postal Service before such time, and ordinarily in sufficient time to have been delivered on time.
Bid security in the amount of 5% of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price.
Drawings and Specifications may be examined on and after September 20, 2013 at the Water Department, City of Schenectady, Room 206, 105 Jay Street, Schenectady, NY 12305, tel. (518) 382-5023, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Documents may also be examined at Eastern Contractors Association, Inc., 6 Airline Dr., Albany, NY 12205, tel. (518) 869-0961, from 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday; at McGraw-Hill Construction, online only at; and at Reed Construction Data, online only at, and online only at BidNet at
Complete sets of Bidding and Contract Documents may be purchased from Water Department, City of Schenectady, Room 206, 105 Jay Street, Schenectady, NY 12305. The deposit on the first set is $100.00, to be refunded in full to all Formal Bidders provided that the complete set of Bidding and Contract Documents (Drawings and Project Manual) is returned to City of Schenectady Water Department, postage paid and in good condition within 30 days after the Bid Opening. Full refund will be made to non-bidders only if the complete set of Documents is returned to City of Schenectady Water Department in good condition within 7 days after the bid opening. Additional sets of Documents are available at non-refundable cost as listed in the Instructions to Bidders. If requested, documents will be sent by UPS Ground delivery at additional non-refundable cost of $10.00 per set for postage and handling.
Payment for Documents should be made either in cash or by check. Separate checks should be written for the first set, for any additional Documents, and for postage and handling. All checks should be made payable to the City of Schenectady.
There will be a Pre-bid Conference on September 25, 2013 at 10:00 am at the Well Field Site as described in the Instructions to Bidders.
The City of Schenectady reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in the Bids received, or to reject any or all Bids without explanation. By Order of: City of Schenectady