The County of Rockland has set forth requirements to prospective proposers to convey the character and quality of the Outside Hearing Officer services desired by the County of Rockland Department of Health.
A firm, and/or individuals under contract to provide Outside Hearing Officer services must maintain proper records and files that would revert to the County of Rockland upon completion of the ruling or termination of the contract.
A minimum of two (2) hearing dates will be scheduled per month, if the firm(s), and/or individual(s) can offer more availability the Health Department can schedule up to four (4) dates per hearing officer per month. Multiple hearings may be scheduled in the same day. Hearings are generally schedule at 9:15am, 10:30am, 1:00 pm and 2:15pm with the exception of Board of Health meeting dates, these hearings will be held at 1:00pm and 2:15pm. Attachment A shows a sample Hearing Calendar.
A firm, and/or individuals must provide its own library, clerical, professional, and support staff.
For special projects, the County may request a written estimate of the time required to complete the project and the projected cost thereof. In such case, the firm, or individual must not commence such project until the estimate has been provided and a notice to proceed is issued by the County after approval by the authorized County representative.
The firm, or individual understand and agree that, with regard to retention of services under any agreement as a result of this RFP, they are independent contractors and not officials or employees of the County and must be properly insured.
The Outside Hearing Officer must be familiar with the NYS Rules of Evidence, the NYS Rules of Civil Procedure, the NYS Administrative Procedures Act and related NYS Department of Health laws, codes, rules, and regulations.
The selected firm(s), or individual(s) will attest that he/she, or its firm and key professionals, does / do not have or anticipate a potential conflict of interest with the County of Rockland Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health.
The selected firm(s), or individual(s) agree that all discussions or information gained during an engagement must be considered confidential, and that no information gathered by the firm, or individual will be released without prior consent of the authorized County representative.