NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN: That sealed bids for the annual 2019 Brine Wastewater Hauling & Disposal Agreement for the Shore Haven Water Treatment Facility will be receive by the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority (hereinafter referred to as “Authority”) at 27 High Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 no later than 1:00 P.M. on Friday, December 14, 2018, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bids should be in a sealed envelope distinctly marked “Bid for the 2019 Brine Wastewater Hauling & Disposal". Bids must be submitted on the Authority Bid Form. A Certificate of Non-Collusion also must be submitted.
Brine Wastewater Hauling and Disposing is expected, but not guaranteed, to amount to approximately 16,000 gallons per month. This amounts to approximately 192,000 gallons per year. Bidders shall have the ability to haul up to 4,000 gallons within forty-eight hours of notification.
Bids shall be made on an all-inclusive price per thousand gallons basis. Loading and unloading the material, and the associated costs, shall be the responsibility of the hauler. The successful bidder shall also be responsible for the immediate cleanup and any damages resulting from spills related to their handling of the material and shall immediately notify the Authority of any spill. Bidders will be responsible for any testing which is required for disposal of sludge.
Within fifteen (15) days of bid award, all insurance certificates must be on file. The apparent low bidder shall also provide a copy of their NYS Part 364 Waste Transporter permit, inclusive of Non-hazardous Commercial/Industrial Waste, prior to contract award.