Ferguson Road Bridge Replacement over Flint Creek
Prebid: None
Opening: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 @3:00 PM, 20 Ontario Street 2nd Floor
Price: $50
Set Includes:
One Book
One Set of Drawings
Work under this contract consists of the replacement of Ferguson Road Bridge over Flint Creek in the Town of Seneca, Ontario County, NY. The work includes bridge replacement, guide railing replacement, and other incidental construction necessary for completion of the project.
The scope of work includes but is not limited to the following:
- Provide, maintain and remove temporary erosion control measures
- Maintain and protect traffic for the duration of the project in conformance with the NYSDOT and MUTCD requirements
- Preserving, maintaining and relocating existing signs
- Locating, preserving and protecting existing utilities at all times
- Excavating and Constructing drainage systems; maintain stormwater flows
- Construction of embankment and cut slopes
- Removal of the existing bridge and construction of the new bridge
- Cold mill pavement rebates between existing and proposed pavements
- Construction hot mix asphalt concrete pavements and shoulders to the line and grades shown on the Contract Documents…Lay out and apply temporary pavement markings as necessary
- Laying out and applying permanent pavement markings
- Removal of box beam guide rail and installation of new box mean guide railing
- Restoration of all driveways and property disturbed by construction
- Turf establishment
- Incidental work necessary to completely and satisfactorily construct the projectThe work includes all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, disposal, and performing all work in accordance with the Contract Documents, technical specifications and plans, as ordered by Engineer.
Contractor is to take note this is a Federal Aid project, therefore Federal Aid rules apply. Please see page Appendix 12 – 1.3 for a detailed list of additional requirements for bid packet.