Specifications include, but are not limited to: A.Anyneworreplacementchemicalmustfirstbeproventowork,by thevendor,as areplacement in kind forthe current coagulant inuseby:1.Havingbench studies/jar tests doneat theWastewaterTreatment Plant;2.Havingfull-scaletrialsdoneatthePlantundervarioustreatmentconditions. Thetestingmustbecompletedduringthepreviousyeartothebidrequests. Allchemicalsandequipmentcostsfor thetesting willbe atthevendor’s expense. No similar testingon othersources willbeaccepted in lieu of the testinglistedabove;butwillallowavendortoshowtheapplicationoftheir product;B.Satisfactory Belt Press and Screw Press cake productionwill factor into what represents an acceptable polymer. Tertiary Treatment polymer (for Actiflo system) must result in effluent quality equivalent to or better than historical quality and needs towork well across the minimum and maximum range of water temperatures encountered. C.Chemical containers(examples, pails, carboys, dellboys, drums, totes): Vendors that arerequired to submitbids in thismanner listed, willberequired to either takeback their own containers, or providean outside vendor/contactor(included as part of this contract)to do so. Thechemical requirements section ofthis document willindicate if containerscanbereturnedunrinsed. TheBidder willaccept the condition(rinsed orunrinsed) of containers being returned. There willbeno extra shipping/handling costsrelated to thepickup ofemptycontainers. It is assumed that pick up willbemadeat thetime ofadelivery. Bidders willberequiredto includean estimated costof cleaningthecontainerwith the Bid forthat chemical. This willbean additionto thebid pricefortheestimated quantity. Thisaddition (per unit) will be listed separatelyfrom thechemical supply/deliverybid. Bidders usingan outside vendor for this service,shallinclude cost estimateand if required,aminimumnumberof barrels for pickupmustbespecified. This numbershallnot exceed10 containers.D.Bids willprovide thecontact info for ordering; technical specificationsheets and analysis(and should includethe specificgravityfor themixturebeingbid); an SDS or GHSforthe chemical;NSFcertifications (ifapplicable) and anyother pertinent information, includingclean up and disposal.