Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Snow and slush removal and ice control services are required at OPWDD residences which are occupied by a developmentally disabled population including individuals who have medical and physical disabilities, including some who are confined to wheelchairs. OPWDD residents often require an additional level of care regarding snow, slush, and ice removal due to functional mobility limitations. 2. Snow and slush removal and ice control services detailed in this Scope of Work will be paid by one seasonal price, spread out over six (6) equal installments as further detailed in section V. Accounting. 3. The Contractor selected to do the work set forth herein shall not assign or sub-contract any or all parts of said work without written permission from OPWDD’s Contract Management Unit. 4. Contractor must use sufficient size plows and have commercial quality salt/sand/calcium chloride spreading equipment to remove snow, slush, and ice from the driveways and parking lots at the locations. Manually broadcast spreading with a shovel from the bed of a pick-up truck does not provide enough coverage to driveways and parking lots. Contractor shall have adequate staff and equipment to accomplish the snow and slush removal and ice control services without delay. OPWDD reserves the right to request detailed listings of equipment, staffing, service routes, etc. 5. The Contractor’s equipment shall not be left at the respective sites after snow removal for a specific storm has been completed. 6. The Contractor may, for the duration of each snow season, place visible markers in work areas.