Vendor shall deliver and set-up the items for breakfast and lunch at a minimum of twenty (20) minutes before the scheduled breakfast and lunch times. The College’s kitchen facilities will be closed and inaccessible to the Vendor. Items shall be fully prepared and ready to be served. Set-up shall be done in the cafeteria seating area located in the lower level of the CCB Building, and shall include warmers/sternos, trays, plates, napkins, cups, utensils, take-away containers, and condiments, as necessary. Breakfast will be from 8:00 AM through 8:40 AM, and lunch will be from 12:00 PM through 12:45 PM. Vendor is required to clean-up after the scheduled meal times by picking up any leftover food and removing all serving dishes, plates, etc. In addition, should the Vendor choose to leave items such as warmers/sternos, trays, and/or racks at the College for the duration of the week or the entire Summer Program to avoid transportation of these items following each meal, the College will provide the Vendor with a secure storage location.