All Crushed Stone will meet the New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications of January 1, 2018 or any revision/addendum pertaining thereto. A Blend of #1 and #1A's will be bid. This will be a pre-mixed blend of 50% #1 stone and 50% of #1A stone. A Blend of #2, #1, and #1A's will be bid. This will be a pre-mixed blend of 50% #2 stone, 25% #1 stone and 25% #1A stone. A Blend of #1’s and #2’s will be bid. This will be a pre-mixed blend of 50% #1 stone and 50% #2 stone. Prices bid will remain firm for one (1) year from date of award. The Bidder will state in his bid if he is supplying Crushed Limestone or Crushed Gravel, or other source material. It is the intention of the County to periodically test the stone to see that it conforms to State specifications. All agencies using this bid are advised to check the mix ratios of the blends carefully to insure they meet agency job specifications.