Estimated Quantity - 24,800 total Size H= 4.625 x V= 3.125 vertical perforation 7/8” from the left side, ½ tab shall be placed on the bottom of the permit in order to bend and peel the permit. Letter and sequential permit number and barcode printed in black, ¼” in height. Barcode printed using language 3 of 9. Barcode scan to match/printed initial code with sequential permit letter and number printed on each permit above the barcode. Barcode samples to be provided by the awarded vendor on the pdf proofs for scanning & testing purposes prior to production of the job. Permits are to be stapled into books of twenty-five (25) with cardstock cover on top and on bottom. Each booklet on top cardstock cover must have the year, name of permit, and starting and ending numbers. Stapling shall consist of 2 staples vertical on left side of book.