Specifications include, but are not limited to: Emergency Plumbing Services Services for OPWDD BROOMEDDSOO sites located in Broome, Tioga, Chenango, Otsego, Delaware, Tompkins Counties. 1. Contractor Shall Provide Broome DDSOO Plant Superintendent with phone number to be called in event of a plumbing emergency. Contractor shall respond to the Broome DDSO site with a plumbing emergency within 2 hours of being called by the Broome DDSOO Plant Superintendent or designee/maintenance supervisor on call. 2. Plumbing emergencies shall be any needed repairs, replacement, or clearing of blockages in any part of an existing plumbing system in a Broome DDSOO owned and operated dwelling. 3. Plumbing system shall mean: a. all water supply lines after they enter the house b. all sewer lines from the main sewer line or the septic tank