Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. For negotiated sales (except as otherwise provided): a. Preparation of pricing comparables; b. Participation in pre-marketing conference calls with the Agencies to discuss preliminary pricing scales and syndicate rules; c. Participation in all pricing call(s), review of syndicate rules and underwriter compensation and review orders and allocations; d. For fixed rate transactions, preparation of a post-pricing book to be delivered to the Agency within 30 days of closing; e. Assessment of the reasonableness of the pricing of the Agencies unrated privately placed bonds and provision of a certificate to that effect; f. Provision of TIC, NIC, WAM and other calculations, as requested by the Agency; g. Preparation of other related documents for comptroller’s approval; and h. Provide other related services as directed by the Agencies. 2. For competitive sales (except as otherwise provided): a. Notification to prospective bidders of the Agencies’ intention to sell bonds; b. Preparation of preliminary pricing scales; c. Attendance at bid opening; d. Verification of calculation of interest costs; and e. Provide other related services as directed by the Agencies. 3. For SONYMA and Affordable Housing Revenue Bond Resolution bond sales, the successful Proposer shall prepare and deliver a cash flow certificate at the closing of each bond series, which shall include the following text: a. The financial advisor has reviewed the assumptions used in the preparation of the consolidated cash flow analysis of the bonds and deems them reasonable; b. SONYMA and HFA have received representations and, after reasonable investigation, the financial advisor has no reason to believe that these representations are incorrect or that the cash flows have been prepared in a manner inconsistent with the assumptions set forth in a letter received by SONYMA and HFA from the cash flow preparer dated the date of the bond closing and the SONYMA and HFA assumptions; c. The structure of the bonds is sound and prudent; and d. The cash flows indicate that upon issuance of the bonds, the amounts deposited and maintained under the appropriate accounts in the current and each succeeding fiscal year, will be at least equal to all amounts required by the appropriate documents to be on deposit in such funds and accounts for the payment of principal and the redemption price of, and interest on, SONYMA and HFA bonds, and for the funding of various reserve funds to their respective requirements. Note: Both HFA and SONYMA cashflow statements include fund maintenance, bond structure, investments and liabilities, cash flow analysis with various assumptions (low and high interest rate environments.