Under this item, the bidder shall supply clean, sound, tough, hard gravel free from coatings and suitable for sub-base course of highway construction. All material acceptable for this item shall be well graded from coarse to fine. The quality of the gravel or stone shall be determined by the Magnesium Sulfate soundness test. The maximum percent loss at 4 cycles by weight shall be 20. The bidder shall certify that the material has been tested and when requested provide the test results from a qualified testing agency or evidence that the material has been accepted by the New York State Department of Transportation for Item 304, Sub-base Course within the previous three years and has not substantially changed. The cost of testing will be at the bidders cost and test results will be provided by the bidder. The Pit location is desired, but not required, by Yates County to be located within Yates County. If the Pit has been used by contractors for New York State Department of Transportation projects, the bidder is asked to supply a listing of New York State Department of Transportation items for which the pit was accepted. The Pit will be inspected by the Yates County Highway Superintendent or his agent before the bid will be awarded. In the event the bid is awarded to a successful bidder Yates County reserves the right to cancel the award if it is felt the material has changed and is not acceptable to the Yates County Highway Superintendent. The supplier shall have, at the time of bid and shall maintain for one year from the date of acceptance, a permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to operate a gravel pit and shall conform to all local, state and federal rules, regulations and procedures which govern the excavation and processing of gravel.